In late 2019, Chaos Created worked extensively with Kevin and Elizabeth Strong on the launch of iSunn Tanning Salon in Portishead. We developed and designed their logo, branding and website, and even worked on the exterior signage and interior design of the salon too, ensuring the team had a consistent and striking brand. We worked closely with Kevin and Elizabeth to ensure that the branding and imagery were in line with their vision for the iSunn experience.
We’ve continued to work with iSunn on an ongoing basis, on their marketing, social media, website, and designing video screens for the salon, helping iSunn to grow their customer base. We have also worked with iSunn to communicate their messaging during the pandemic, through social media and customer mailings.
We’re delighted to announce the launch of their online store, allowing them to ship their wide range of tanning products nationally. The store, which launched late last week, showcases the wide range of products in a highly visual and easy to navigate way. Completing a purchase is easy, and the customer can opt to create an account during the process, allowing them to track the progress of their order.
We also worked on integrating their online store with Facebook and Instagram. iSunn’s followers can browse products and shop from within the Facebook and Instagram apps which drive traffic to the website in order for customers to complete their purchases.
We’re looking forward to helping iSunn Tanning Salon grow their online store in the coming months, working on targeted advertising and communicating with their existing customers on a new and exciting way to shop for tanning products.
You can visit the iSunn website at and browse their new online store at