The first level we are tackling during development is level 2, which is pirate themed.
The reason for this is that it’s a more “typical” level than level 1 (which has come crazy physics stuff going on). It’s also a nice, bright, colourful level, with plenty of interactions so it makes for a fun level for us to demo, and show the concept of the game. It will be a good level for us to demonstrate what we are hoping to achieve.
In the pirate level, the user will need to navigate some tricky terrain, avoiding desert islands, pirate ships firing canons, sharks, and more, whilst collecting coins and blueprints in order to progress onwards (those collectables will be placed in spots that encourage the user to live dangerously).
As this was the first level, our artist has spent a considerable amount of time coming up with the artistic style for the game. Alex, our artist, has been using this level as a bit of a playground, developing a style which we’ll carry forwards.
We’ve settled on something that has a hand-painted feel to it. We wanted the style to be unique, and not too digital. You can see the evolution of one of the enemies/obstacles, the pirate ship, below.
This hand-painted style really gives the game a strong visual, which we’re carrying through to the other elements. Alex, our artist, is spending most of this week developing the foreground and background elements for the level. Some elements will serve as obstacles, some as collectables, whist others serve to add some depth to the visuals. All of them continue the hand-painted feel, which we want to be incredibly distinctive.